About Us

We are focused on finding these puppies good, long term homes. We ask that anyone interested please keep this in mind. They will need vetted (meaning all puppy shots and a spay/neuter when they are old enough) however we are offering them for free to those that we know or know through friends and family. All we ask is that you put any money you would have spent on the pup towards their vet care and overall good health.


If we have trouble placing them through word of mouth, we will speak to our vet to see if they know anyone. A newspaper advertisement will be used as a last resort and we will most likely add a small fee to deter anyone who might be shady, irresponsible, etc.


We are willing to travel somewhat if necessary if it means a puppy gets a good permanent home. If you know someone that might be interested, please feel free to refer them to this website. I will do my best to update the photos regularly however this is a bit more challenging since I broke my digital camera a month ago (I sometimes have access to another camera and I can also use my phone camera, although the photos might not be as good). That being said, if you see a pup or puppies you are intersted in but would like more photos, feel free to let me know and I would be more than happy to take them and get them to you.


As a last note, we understand that sometimes things change that are out of our control. If you adopt a puppy, all we ask is that you please come to us first if something should ocurr that would force you to give the puppy up. We would like the opportunity to take the puppy back and find a new home for him or her. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to take the pup, but we would at least like the opporutnity to first before he or she ends up with a stranger or at a shelter.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me at Grifynne@gmail.com, message me through Facebook (search for Shel Gatto) or text me. You can also view the previous litter's website here (the old site contains much more information on the parent's breed, temperment and background).


Thank you for reading! :)